Facial Treatments
Essential Beauty
Samantha Thouet

Skin Solutions - unsere Gesichtsprogramme
Glas Wass mit Früchten

Essential Detox Facial

An ultimate restorative facial for stressed and environmentally exposed skin 

  • Gentle cleansing and pore refinement
  • Exfoliating and purifying the skin with deep exfoliation or alpha-hydroxy-acid peeling
  • Zellschützende Ampulle/Serum
  • Verspannunslösende Tiefenmassage im Gesichts- und Dekolltébereich
  • Activation of the lymph flow and removal of toxins
IMG 2294 quer scaled

Multimasking GLOW ON THE GO!

  • CLEANSING: mit Sauerstofftechnologie; tiefgründige Ausreinigung mit hautschonendener Wirkung; zerstört weder den Säureschutzmantel noch den Microbiomhaushalt der Haut.
  • DETOX: purifies and refines pores, reduces inflammation and impurities.
  • ENZYMPEELING: High-tech Moisturising Refining Enzymatic Peel (an innovative, luxurious gel-to-milk formulation for more radiance); the concentrated power of the ocean protects against oxidative stress; a purifying anti-aging massage is performed during application; blockages in the meridians are released; new energy can flow.... relaxing and regenerating at the same time.
  • Aftercare: with all hyaluron formulations; high molecular, low molecular, cross-linked.
  • Skinglow boosting facial; also suitable for sensitive skin!
Beauty Behandlung

Treatments á la Carte!

We are also happy to put together individual facial programmes tailored to the customer's personal skin type and wishes.

Contact us, we will be happy to advise you!

News, advice & appointment:
